Child Health Advice

0-18 nhs website

 The What 0-18 website has been written by the NHS and the Royal College of Paediatrics & Child Health. It has clear, easy to use information about common illnesses & problems experienced by babies, children & young people. There is a widget you can load onto your homescreen.

Click here for the 0-18 nhs website.

Little Orange Book

The Little Orange Book contains advice & tips on how to manage common illnesses & problems that babies & young children often experience in the first 5 years of their lives. It also has information on more serious conditions, what to look out for & how to get help. 

Click here for the Little Orange Book.


Vaccination planner

Download a personalised vaccination calendar, which highlights the dates your child needs to have their vaccinations by.

Download from:

NHS vaccinations and when to have them - NHS (

Childhood illness visual guide

Use this visual guide to help you identify common conditions and illnesses that may affect your child. Includes conditions such as measles, slapped cheek syndrome, chicken pox and warts.


Infectious illnesses in children - NHS (