Infection Control Annual Statement

Infection Control Annual Statement

July 2022



This annual statement will be generated each year after completion of the annual IC audit in accordance with the requirements of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 Code of Practice on the prevention and control of infections and related guidance. The report will be published on the practice website and will include the following summary:

  • Any infection transmission incidents and any action taken (these will have been reported in accordance with our significant event procedure)
  • Details of any infection control audits undertaken and actions undertaken
  • Details of any risk assessments undertaken for the prevention and control of infection
  • Details of staff training
  • Any review and update of policies, procedures and guidelines

Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) lead

The joint leads for infection prevention and control is Sarah Blakeley and Camilla Hawkes.

  1. Infection transmission incidents (significant events)

See significant event policy

In the past year there have been no significant events raised that related to infection control. There have been no complaints made regarding cleanliness or infection control.


  1. Infection prevention audit and actions

IC action plan July 2022

Findings from audit:




Some high surfaces not been cleaned

Meeting held with Donna 26/7/22 (such meetings held regularly – see TeamNet). Review in 3/12


Incorrect storage of mops.

Rip to fabric on couch in 226

Arrange repair of couch - Email sent to upholsterers, await response


Some desks cluttered

Reminder to be sent to all who use the building of clear desk policy


Specimens container should be waterproof

Purchase of leakproof container

Still outstanding. SB to find.


2 x pillow covers damaged

New pillow covers to be ordered




Findings from annual review of policies





Cold chain record keeping by PST on receipt of vaccines

Needs reviewing & refresh of procedure

Deadline 1/10/2022


New national cleaning guidelines

Review our cleaning policy in light of this and agree course of action.

Deadline 1/11/2022





Risk assessments

Risk assessments are carried out so that any risk is minimised to be as low as reasonably practicable. Additionally, a risk assessment that can identify best practice can be established and then followed.

In the last year, the following risk assessments were carried out/reviewed:




Infection Control

In the next year, the above risk assessments will also be reviewed


In addition to staff being involved in risk assessments and significant events, all staff receive IPC induction training on commencing their post. Thereafter, all staff receive refresher training annually.

Policies and procedures

Our infection prevention and control related policies and procedures are:

IC01 Infection Control Policy

IC02 Sharps policy & procedures

IC03 Cleaning policy

IC04 Isolation of patients policy

IC05 Body fluids policy

IC06 Handwashing techniques

IC07 Cold chain policy

IC08 Clinical waste management policy

IC09 COSHH policy (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health)

IC10 Safe Water Policy

Policies relating to infection prevention and control are available to all staff on TeamNet and are reviewed and updated annually. Additionally, all policies are amended on an ongoing basis as per current advice, guidance and legislation changes.  


The IPC leads are responsible for reviewing and producing the annual statement.

This annual statement will be updated after annual IC audit.

Signed by


Camilla Hawkes

For and on behalf of St Martins