New medication Patient Information Leaflet

New medications - patient information

You are taking a new medicine. This page explains what happens next.

Where do I collect my prescription?

Most prescriptions are sent electronically to your nominated pharmacy. You can nominate your preferred pharmacy, or change it, on the NHS App.

What if I have side effects or questions?

Please read the patient information leaflet included in the medication packet carefully. It may answer your queries.

The next step is to speak to your local pharmacist.

We are happy to help if you have further queries or concerns that the leaflet or pharmacist cannot answer.

When do I order more of my new medicine?

This new medicine will have been given to you on a short-term (“acute”) basis. The prescribing clinician will tell you when they want to review how it is working. This will be a few weeks later so the medicine has time to take effect.

So before getting any more of this new medicine, you must speak to a clinician, and preferably the one who prescribed it for you. This is called a Medication Review & is important to assess if the medicine has been making you feel better.

This can be done on the telephone & is a routine matter. Please complete the online form 10 days before you finish your new medicine & ask to book a routine telephone appointment preferably with the same clinician that first prescribed it for you. You will then be sent a link to book.

At the appointment, you will discuss with the clinician how you have felt while taking the new medicine. If the medicine has not been making you feel better the clinician may suggest changing the amount, or an alternative.

Or, if the medicine has been working then the clinician may make it a “Repeat” medicine.

What is a repeat medicine?

This is a medicine you have been taking long enough for you, & the clinician who prescribed it for you, to know it is making you feel better. The clinician then marks it as a repeat medicine on your electronic record so you can get more without needing an appointment. The usual supply is 1 month (although this may vary).

An annual “medication review” is required each year to ensure your medications continue to be safe and effective. This may be in person or by telephone. The clinician, who will then “reauthorise” your medications for the year ahead. If repeat medications have not had the annual “authorisation”, they can no longer be ordered routinely by the patient.

When do I order more of my repeat medicine?

Please order your repeat medication one week before your supply runs out. Our preference is for you to order via the NHS App (from apps stores) or Systmonline (please speak to staff). Otherwise, please speak to your pharmacist. We cannot accept requests by phone call.


Birthday Month reviews

If you have heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, asthma or lung disease (COPD) we ask you to attend an annual “Birthday Month” review with our nursing team. This review is important because it is part of your annual medication review.

After this Birthday Month appointment with the nursing team, the nurse will ask a prescribing clinician to do your medication review and “reauthorise” your repeat medications for the year ahead. If the clinician needs to speak with you they will contact you & ask you to book a routine telephone appt. However the GP may be able to do your medication review, and reauthorise your medications, using the information from your Birthday Month appointment.

Failure to attend for your birthday month review with the nurse may lead to your repeat medications being postponed or quantities reduced. Only repeat medications that have had the annual “authorisation” can be ordered routinely by the patient.

Annual medication reviews

People with long-term conditions not listed above, or on long term medication for other reasons, can see their Medication Review due dates on their prescription (your pharmacist should share this with you) & in the NHS App. Please book a Medication Review appointment annually, even if you are feeling well & settled on your medication. Contact us via the online form at least 10d before your medication runs out, to arrange your medication review.

You may be booked with a specialist pharmacist or with a doctor or other prescribing clinician.

What happens at the Medication Review?

At the appointment, you will discuss with the clinician how you have been feeling, and any other medication issues. If the medicine has not been making you feel better, or if things have changed, then the clinician may suggest changing the dose, or an alternative.

When will a medication not be put on repeat or taken off repeat prescription?

It is not always appropriate to put a medicine on repeat prescription. This may occur:

  • If the medicine is a short course for short term problem
  • Medicines that are changing or not stable
  • When a Medication Review is needed or overdue

How do I order / receive my repeat medicine?

Ordering via the NHS App is safest & is easiest (from app stores). We process hundreds of repeat prescription requests daily: each needs care & attention & the process to be efficient & safe.

How long does it take to get a repeat prescription?

Repeat prescriptions take 2 working days to process:


Ready to collect

Monday before 11am

Wednesday after 4pm

Tuesday before 11am

Thursday after 4pm

Please order via NHS App. We do not take ‘phone requests.

 What if I run out of medicine ?

Please plan ahead so you do not run out of medicine. Order more when you still have one week’s supply left. We issue hundreds of repeat prescriptions every day, & each needs care & attention, they cannot be done in a hurry.

We have a short list of medicines that can be issued at short notice because harm will be caused they are stopped. If your medicine does not appear on our list then we are not able to issue it at short notice unless there are exceptional circumstances.